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Since 1986



Full Haircuts
Toenail Clipping and Filing
Coat De-Matting and Brushing


Shampoo & Condition
Flea & Tick Treatment
Ear Cleaning
Anal Gland Expression


Undercoat Removal
Cologne & Purfume
Bows & Bandanas


Since each pet is unique and requires a different amount of care and attention, our prices vary according to size, weight, condition, and temperament. To receive a quote or to make an appointment, please call us at (812) 288-9765 or submit the contact form below.


About Us

Bonnie's Dog Grooming is a family owned and operated professional pet grooming business located in Jeffersonville, IN. We have been happily serving the Kentuckiana community since 1986. We know what it takes to make your pet look and feel great and our experienced grooming professionals are ready to provide high quality grooming services to your furry family members.

We also work closely with local animal shelters to help find homes for dogs and cats in need.


Hi. My name is Bonnie Ehrhart and I love dogs and cats. I live with five dogs and three cats of my own. I also help the local animal shelters and rescues with fostering and grooming homeless pets.

I started my grooming career in 1977 by taking a job as a bather at a local grooming shop. Eventually, I learned to groom and in 1986 opened Bonnie's Dog Grooming. I love what I do and plan on doing it for the rest of my life. Some of my children and grandchildren also love animals and so I hope to keep the business in the family and pass it down through the generations.

I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends, exercising, listening to music, and riding my motorcycle.

I hope you will give me a chance to turn your beast into a beauty.

What our customers say

Contact Us

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Bonnie's Dog Grooming

3823 Hamburg Pike
Jeffersonville, IN 47130


We are open!

Monday - Saturday at 9:00 am
closing times vary by season

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